Saturday, August 27, 2011

Justice League of America #42 Ad - 1966

I missed this ad during the blog's original run, and its too spiffy not to post--"Metamorpho Says No!"

DC letterer/designer Ira Schnapp (who most likely designed this ad) was a genius at cramming in a ton of text in a small space, yet making everything look clean and readable. An amazing talent!

1 comment:

Rafa Rivas said...

Hey! I've been checking your site or a while now and I'm going to make a bold suggestion. I think it would be handy to label issues with the roll call members. I'm not sure if hat's even possible -some issues feature too many characters, but it would surely make the navigation easier.

I have to praise your site for your diligence. You have done an impressive job. I hope you don't mind if I put a link to your site from mine.

Best regards,

How did you do those label linking images at the right column?

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