The story: "Four Worlds to Conquer!" by Gardner Fox, Mike Sekowsky, and Bernard Sachs. Despero is Back! Oh, wait, I said that...
Despero escapes the prison he was put in(at the end of JLA #1) and uses a ray to accelerate the age of some JLA members, while trapping the rest in some deathtraps. He then poses as an aged Superman and sneaks into the Secret Sanctuary, but Wonder Woman sees through that and captures him.
Roll Call: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, The Atom
Notable Moments: Sekowsky excelled at drawing older people, so seeing old versions of some of the JLA is fun.
The story ends with Despero standing off to the side as the JLA decides what to do with him. How humiliating.
Superman front and center last issue, Batman front and center (literally!) this time. Ah, the times they were a-changin'....
The JLA stands there and talks about Despero as if he isn't in the room. Classic!
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