The story: "The Most Dangerous Earth of All!" by Gardner Fox, Mike Sekowsky, and Bernard Sachs. The JSA fights the Crime Syndicate, but is tricked by them and they get transported to Earth-Three. So the JLA then goes to Earth-Two, and defeats them there.
Realizing they can't return them to their homeworld, Green Lantern uses his ring to place them in an inter-dimensional prison bubble, all alone, covered in warnings to potential visitors(?). When last we see them, they have no water, no food, no beds...the five of them are just in a small bubble. This would inspire the later Marvel series Crime Syndicate Zombies.
Roll Call: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern
Notable Moments: The JLA and JSA barely interact in this story; in fact they only share a few panels together, and most of those are on view-screens, ala Kirk and Khan in Star Trek II.
I remember thinking that this issue features the fewest JLAers to ever appear on a cover: three, count'em three. IIRC, not until "Man, Thy Name Is Brother" 30-some issues from now do we get so few JLAers on the cover again...
You know, few JLAers or not, you have to admit that's a pretty dynamic cover. Who wouldn't pick that up, with the JLA slugging it out with their evil counterparts?
Haha, as for the green bubble thing, it's even funnier when you keep in mind that, when the CSA escape many, many months later, they are STILL in the green bubble, with no food or water. Man, I bet it got funky in there....
As much as i love JLA/JSA teamups, i gotta admit that the Crime Syndicate's being able to win a fight which they've lost simply by saying "Poonghie" or by having their opponents saying they've won begs the question of why bother with fighting them at all? Might as well just Poonghie them right off the bat! Oh, that's right, they were looking for sparring partners. I dunno, man.
Also, as unattractive as Sekowsky's females could be at times, that Superwoman vs. Black Canary scene was Nice work, Mike.
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