The Story: "The Justice Leaguers' Impossible Adventure!" by Gardner Fox, Mike Sekowsky, and Sid Greene. Five members of the JLA are trasnported to another planet, where they are told they are to be stripped of their super powers! As if!
The planet's rulers do, in fact, take away the JLAers powers, just in time for the planet to be attacked by invaders, who the JLAers decided to take on--sans powers!
Roll Call: Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Martian Manhunter
Notable Moments: Aquaman and Martian Manhunter playing large roles in a JLA story! I woulda thought that was impossible!
Ah yes, I remember Flower Head aliens. I didn't go into the garden for weeks.
I also remember when The Atom used to be in this title...
I LIKED this story! Here you have the five members who have their abilities due to luck or birth, having to PROVE their mettle. And the art was awesome.
I always hate stories where they just 'magically' strip the JLA of their powers. How do you take away someone's super strength without killing them? If it is actually a magic spell...well, at least that SORT of works. Still, I suppose that it does give us some decent stories. I liked in JLA that they didn't do this kind of thing, or when they did, there was a semi-logical explanation.
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