The Story: "The Super-Crisis That Struck Earth-Two!" by Gardner Fox, Mike Sekowsky, and Sid Greene. Ordinary citizens who absorb mysterious spheres end up with super powers that they use for evil!
The JSA is unable to stop them, so Johnny Thunder(who's like Snapper Carr but with super powers) unwittingly commands his T-Bolt who corral some Justice Leaguers to help out. Strangely, the same exact thing is happening on Earth-One!
Roll Call: Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow
Notable Moments: The JLA are barely in this issue; they only show up at the very end, and even then it's only a few of 'em.
While the move to have the now-adult Earth-Two Robin join the JSA is good, who the hell designed that suit? It's comically, tragically bad.
And for the first time in a dozen issues, Batman is not ridiculously overly cover-featured. The TV series craze had died down, so all other DC titles could go back to looking like they might feature other characters. Weird, though, Batman isn't even in this issue--you'd think teaming him with the newly-adult Robin might've afforded some fun story moments.